Guest Blog: The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

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Guest Blog: The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

Feb 16, 2017 | JVP's Blog

Love, astrology, helping my students and friends to find happiness and fulfillment – those are a few of my favorite things! When I learned about Vedic Astrologer and relationship coach, Carol Allen, I knew it was in the stars that we connect and share some celestial insights with YOU! If you’re looking for your soul mate, or you’re in a relationship but not sure if he/she is “the one” check out Carol’s blog. Even better – tune in to my show on UBN or Hay House Radio next week. Carol will be my guest, and we invite you to call us LIVE with your questions about love, the stars and the afterlife!

Love and Light, James

The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes
That Get In The Way Of Lasting Love

By Carol Allen

Sometimes finding a relationship you know will last forever feels impossible. When you’re struggling in love or have had your heart broken, it can be inspiring to turn to Vedic Astrology for help. We’ve all heard about Vedic Astrology helping to reveal compatibility — but what else makes a successful relationship? Here are the five critical mistakes that may be keeping you from a greater love life…

Mistake #1: You Jump to Conclusions

While Astrological compatibility is very important, it’s simply not enough. Why? Because you can be wildly compatible with a man who isn’t a nice man. If you don’t feel good around him, if you can’t talk and have him understand what you’re saying, if you don’t have a foundation of friendship and healthy mutual attraction — you won’t be happy no matter how much everything else is working and no matter how great of a guy he is.

Mistake #2: You Ignore the Signs

You must find a man that’s “relationship material.” He must want a relationship, know how to have one and be available. Relationship-oriented men are obvious: they’re usually in relationships! They like women. They have friends. They get along with their families and people at work. In addition to that, you can find out if he’s relationship-oriented or not by looking at his Vedic chart.

Mistake #3: You Rush Into Things

Vedic Astrology can reveal when you’re in a “season of love” and when you’re not. And when you’re not, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, or who you meet. Just as flowers can’t grow when the ground is frozen, but effortlessly do so when the snow melts, there’s nothing you have to do once the conditions are right. He’ll find you, and you’ll find him.

Mistake #4: You Settle For Less

One of the biggest reasons couples break up is when one person wants children and the other doesn’t. Or, one wants to live in the city and the other one wants the country. You have to be the kind of person he’s looking for, and he has to be the kind of person you’re looking for. If you find yourself wanting to change the person he is now, first get clear on the kind of life you want and the kind of guy you’ll need to have that life. Then, go find him — and resist all others.

Mistake #5: You Don’t Develop Relationship Skills

Often, two good people get together and are happy for a while, but then one of them starts to harm or neglect the relationship. They try to find the reason for miserable love lives, “blaming the stars” for the latest breakup, or lack of closeness with their partner – when usually they don’t understand how to communicate, or ask for what they want. If and when they can learn those crucial aspects, their relationships improve, and they are able to get back that spark. So, if you’ve lost your spark with the one you love, or if he used to seem like your dream man but now you’re not so sure then your relationship skills need an upgrade. You have the power to improve your love life.


Carol Allen is a Vedic astrologer and relationship coach who has spent almost 20 years helping women achieve romantic fulfillment with men. Carol has combined her training in Eastern philosophy with the most cutting-edge relationship research to offer a unique blend of practical, effective “real-world” advice with the best “out of this world” wisdom you need to make the most of your romantic destiny. Learn what the stars have in store for you, and your love-life at