6 Tips to Keep Your Holidays Merry and Light-Filled

Explore James' Teachings and Insights on All Things Spiritual

6 Tips to Keep Your Holidays Merry and Light-Filled

Nov 5, 2021 | JVP's Blog

Some people can’t wait for the moment when they can embrace the holiday season. Moments after throwing out their Halloween pumpkin their thoughts turn to hanging strings of lights in red, gold, and green, and decking the halls with boughs of holly.

For some, there are aspects of the season that aren’t so festive. The holidays can be a strain on busy people whose to-do lists barely have room for gifts shopping, baking cookies, entertaining, and decorating. Already tight budgets can be stretched even tighter. And, of course, there are the interactions with those family members who never fail to ask the wrong questions or start a political debate at the dinner table.

These holiday pitfalls pose a challenge to just about everyone, but they’re extra tough for empaths and HSPs (highly sensitive people).

If you’re a sensitive soul, you might be wondering how to navigate the next few weeks and still protect your sensitive energy.

6 Stress-busting Tips for the Holidays

  • Take what you love and leave the rest. Give yourself permission to embrace the holidays on your own terms. Focus on what brings you joy, like walking through a snowy forest, taking a late-night drive to admire the holiday lights, and socializing with the people who nourish your soul. Spend as little time as possible (or none) fulfilling obligations that don’t serve your highest self.
  • Set boundaries. This applies every day of the year, but especially during the holidays. Boundaries protect your energy, your emotions, your beliefs, even your money. They help you feel in control and minimize the chance that resentment and anger will crop up later. Setting boundaries isn’t always easy – it requires that you let go of the people-pleasing patterns you might be used to and put your own needs first. Is this selfish? NO. It opens the door to more honest, loving relationships with others.
  • Know yourself. You can’t set boundaries if you don’t know what you really want – so slow down, be quiet, and tune into your soul. Trust me, your own intuition is worth listening to. Journaling, meditation, and other quiet activities give you the space to discover who you are and what you want.
  • Avoid energy vampires. How many times have you spent time with someone only to feel drained and depleted afterwards? That person might be a family member or old friend, a classmate or colleague – but eventually it becomes clear that they aren’t good for you. You don’t have to cut them out of your life altogether, but you might want to limit the time you spend together. This is where awareness and boundaries come in handy!
  • Spread the light. Sometimes it’s the little things that count the most. Make it a point to spread holiday cheer in small authentic ways. Send flowers and a handwritten note to someone you love, buy a cup of coffee for a co-worker, and say a few kind words to that busy supermarket checker. The glow will reflect back on you and make the season brighter for all.
  • Cleanse your energy regularly. The crowds and pressure of the holidays make it extra important to keep your energy clear. I run my own energy several times a day, starting with my morning shower. As the warm water runs over my physical body, I imagine a golden light coming down from the heavens and surrounding every cell in my body. I picture the light pushing away anything that doesn’t belong – debris that I’ve picked up from others, as well as any negative thoughts or doubts that don’t serve me. It just takes a few minutes for me to feel like myself again.

These ideas can help you take the first steps toward approaching the holidays in a whole new way and getting the most joy possible out of the season.

Need a little help? I’ve put together a shortlist of courses that will help you shield your energy, feel closer to loved ones in Heaven, and experience your happiest, most light-filled season ever.

Browse these offerings from the JVP School of Mystical Arts and prepare to approach the season with calm, serenity, and mindfulness.

Life Tools for the Highly Sensitive Person

You WANT to enjoy the festivities of the season, but the crowds and endless social obligations can feel like an assault on your sensitive energy. It doesn’t have to be this way! I’ve created a course that will give you everything you need to THRIVE during the holidays, and all year round.

A Day in the Spirit World

Is your holiday spirit just a little less bright because you’re missing a loved one who has passed? This unique and powerful course will bring them closer, as you spend a day visiting the Spirit World!

The 7 Day Energy Cleanse 

Ready to feel lighter, happier, and ready to take on the holidays and the new year? In just one week, you can remove everything that’s been weighing you down so you can feel, and BE, your VERY BEST!